September 25, 2008

GO Packers and Broncos!!

I have two teams that I cheer for - the Green Bay Packers and the Denver Broncos. Mom is a cheese head through and through and Dad (being a Denver native) loves the Broncos!! I have outfits for both teams!


Diana and Dusty said...

Amelia is just so adorable! I think I need to send a cowboy's outfit just to finish off her collection ;)

Jen said...

she looks much better in orange and blue!!! hugs n kisses

Elizabeth said...

Very cute, Amelia! Your cousin Samantha was a cheerleader for Halloween--maybe we should get you two together!! :)

What life is like for me.....

I usually get up around 5 or 6 am because I am starving! Mom is slowly getting used to being up at the crack of dawn (she tells me she is not a morning person). Dad is getting ready for work and usually leaves around 6 or 7 am. He works long days at his job so that we can buy all the stuff that I need!! I usually take a mid-morning nap around 8am, and then I am back to eating by 10am! Then, I am awake watching Mom fix dinner and clean around the house. She sure moves fast!
Then, I usually take an afternoon nap with Mom. She is pretty tired these days! By 6pm Dad is home! I love when he gets home because he sings to me and spends time with me. By 9pm we are all getting ready for bed again. Mom and I watch a little TV and I get to eat again! LIFE IS GOOD!!!

What is my least favorite thing?

That's me! Hangin with family...

That's me! Hangin with family...

Happy Fathers day 2008!

Happy Fathers day 2008!